Sunday, February 19, 2012

Episode 18 - Kohitsuji

Hidaka Michi cut a striking figure. He was tall and handsome, and, as the scion of the powerful Hidaka family, easily projected a casual yet commanding presence. From a young age, he was effortlessly talented at whatever he turned his hand to - equally comfortable playing the violin, translating ancient texts, and analyzing trinary logic systems.  So it was no surprise when, after deciding he wished to learn Rock Paper Scissors, he quickly rose to the position of captain in Kohitsuji Academy's dueling team.

From beneath the brim of his pilot's cap - featuring the Hidaka Airlines crest - he surveyed the duelists arrayed before him. They were Kohitsuji's finest, and he was proud of them.

Right now, however, they seemed to be a little distracted.

It was the end of a long day of training, analysis, planning. The Kohitsuji duelists were scattered through the spacious, two-level central lounge of the team headquarters. A slow, intricate passacaglia issued forth from the grand piano.

On the second level balcony sat Hairo Asahi, frowning in concentration at the documents and textbooks spread out on the table in front of her. Hidaka found her studiousness inspiring - she was not only a strong duelist, but also an aspiring surgeon, and her academic work took up almost as much of her time as her stringent Rock Paper Scissors regimen. And yet somehow this massive workload never seemed too much for her, as no matter how many nights in a row she spent up studying and training instead of sleeping, she always remained cheerful and friendly. As she read, compared notes, and studied anatomical diagrams, her boyfriend Yuta Daichi, sitting in the chair next to hers, bobbed his head to a private rhythm - ostensibly he was helping her study, but in reality he was mostly just keeping her company and listening to music on an expensive-looking pair of headphones. Yuta wasn't a duelist, but he was a common feature of the dueling team's lounge nonetheless, offering the occasional sarcastic comment from the sidelines.

Meanwhile, Karasu Nori was pacing about restlessly, with a dreamy, faraway look in his eye.

Hidaka smiled. "What's on your mind, Karasu-san?" Of course, he knew exactly what that look meant.

Karasu sighed blissfully. "I've finally met her - the one. She's just... perfect!"

Hairo called down from the balcony. "Isn't that what you said about what's-her-name like two months ago? And that girl you met at the tournament last year? And-"

"Ah, you don't get it!" Hairo's teasing couldn't sour Karasu's mood. "Ana-chan is different!"

Hidaka shook his head. Karasu looked like a model, with short, wavy hair, high cheekbones, and a chiseled physique. He was always dressed in the most fashionable designer wear, no matter what he was doing. At Kohitsuji, all of the girls - and a significant fraction of the boys - had a crush on "Karasu the Rogue". And yet, when it came to relationships, he was a bit... dense.

This caused no end of problems for Chiyoko Shizu. The serious-looking girl mulled over the problem, her face hidden from the other duelists by her long, straight hair, as she played the grand piano in the corner of the room. She had managed to pair every member of the dueling team up with someone, except for Karasu. Well, and herself, naturally - but that didn't count. Karasu's flighty nature was ruining her perfect record! Still, she was sure there was a solution. She just had to think of it.

It was getting late, but Chiyoko was lost in thought, so she was surprised to see when she next looked up that Hairo, Yuta, and Karasu had already left for the evening. Hidaka was looking at the profiles of the Bosatsu duelists, their opponents in the next round of the championship, while the team's fifth member was dozing on a couch. Chiyoko quickly finished her song, then quietly slipped out the back door with a private smile on her face.

The sound of the door closing snapped Hidaka out of his daze - he'd been reading the same sentence over and over for several minutes without absorbing it. Must be more tired than I thought.

He glanced over at the Kohitsuji dueling team's fifth member, sprawled on the couch by the fireplace.

Hidaka didn't understand Tetsu Karan. His mind worked differently from anyone Hidaka had ever known - he seemed lost in the clouds, but he could make connections no one else could see. He dozed all the time, in class or the team's lounge. He practiced the least of anyone on the team, but his mysterious dueling style was shockingly effective.

And no matter what, whenever their eyes met, Hidaka couldn't help but smile.

He tousled Tetsu's (goofy, flipped-out) hair. "Hey. Wake up."

The boy yawned, stretched, blinked sleepily. "Michi?"

"Come on, Karan, it's late. Everyone's gone home already."

"'Kay." Tetsu stood up, rubbed his eyes, grabbed his bag from beside the couch, and headed for the door. He paused and looked back at Hidaka. "Aren't you coming?"

"I'll catch up with you in a sec. One more thing I have to take care of."

"Okay!" Tetsu didn't leave, though. He wandered over to the table where Hidaka was standing. "Are you excited for the next round, Michi?"

"Yeah. But it's going to be a tough one."

"That's okay. I don't mind whether we win the championship, really." He tilted his head to the side. "I just enjoy dueling with you." He leaned over and kissed Hidaka on the cheek, then turned and headed for the door. "I'll give you five minutes!"

"I'll be right out!"

When Tetsu was gone, Hidaka's smile faded. He drew a card out of his pocket, then stared at it in silence for a moment. He walked over to a wall-screen, punched in a number. The video phone rang twice before the connection went through.

On the screen was a figure shrouded in black, wearing a blank white mask.

The voice was harshly distorted. "Hidaka Michi. Have you reconsidered?"

He couldn't quite meet that empty gaze. "Yes, Lacuna. I can't beat Ryoichi Kei on my own."


Basilisk, the silver-haired girl, stood between the two teams of duelists - Jin and the other Bosatsu duelists behind her, Kyoru and Tendou ahead, near the door.

"Basilisk," said Ryoichi. "Explain yourself."

"I'm afraid I was just taking my leave."

She started towards the exit, but in a sudden flash of movement Kotei Jin was in front of her, blocking the door.

"That's enough. I need some answers! Who are you?"

But Ryoichi was the one who responded. "This is Tsuki Masako, also called Basilisk - Kyoru Arashi's former second in command." He paused for a moment before continuing, softly. "She's the one who told us about your brother."

She glanced over her shoulder at Ryoichi as he spoke, then turned back to Jin. "Satisfied?"

But as she started to walk forward once more, Jin raised his hand to point at her with a challenging Scissors.

She stopped, faint amusement on her face. "You wish to duel me?" She gave an exaggerated sigh. "Fine. If you win, I'll answer your questions. If I win, then I leave without any further trouble. Agreed?"

Jin just raised his hand in a fist, ready to start the duel.

"We'll do a single throw, Thousand-Devil. Are you ready?"


Something felt wrong to Jin.


He could hear a faint humming, like a swarm of locusts on the horizon.


Tsuki took half a step towards him - and she vanished.

Jin blinked, his head suddenly foggy.

"Good try, Thousand-Devil."

He spun to face her. When did she get behind me?! "What are you doing? We're not finished!"

"Yes, we are." Her eyes dipped for a moment.

Jin followed her gaze to his outstretched hand. He was holding out Paper. When did I make that throw? 

"You lost." She walked towards the exit one more time, pausing only to brush Kyoru's shoulder, lightly, with the backs of her fingers. She glanced at Tendou Hibiki. "She's my replacement, hm? She's pretty good."

She strode out, and silence fell over the room.


  1. I'm really looking forward to the spinoff of Kohitsuji Academy a la Ouran HSHC

  2. Absolutely!
    Kohitsuji /totally/ lives in a different genre most of the time. But then the championship rolls around, and, well.
