Saturday, January 21, 2012

Episode 14 - A Captain's Duty

Yukimura Hisoka sighed, shrugged. "Sorry, Jihara-san. Maybe next time."

Jihara and Mizumigawa looked over at her.

"The captain's up next," she explained. "We're not going to have a chance to duel today."

Mizumigawa smirked. "You just figured that out now?" She hopped up on the railing and tousled Jin's hair vigorously. "I knew Kotei-kun had things under control!" Yukimura just raised an eyebrow.

Jin ducked to get away. "He's that good, is he?" The others looked surprised.

"Oh, that's right," said Yukimura, adjusting her glasses. "You haven't seen Ryoichi-san play a real match yet, have you?"

"Ryoichi-dono is a very powerful duelist," said Jihara. "He's been looking forward to this duel - I expect he has an unbeatable strategy prepared."

"He's also, ah," added Yukimura, "something of a performer."

"You don't say," muttered Jin, watching Ryoichi - who was ostentatiously waving around his folded paper fan as cherry blossoms, tossed by a member of his fanclub, fluttered by.


"So, Yosai-san! Are you looking forward to this duel?" Ryoichi gestured grandly.

Yosai Akio closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. What a trivial person, he thought.

"I should warn you, though," said Ryoichi conspiratorially, "you shouldn't take me lightly. I'm pretty clever." He winked to punctuate his boast.

"Enough." Yosai glared across the arena at Ryoichi. "You are wasting my time with this foolishness." Besides, I've already discerned your throw. He raised his hand.

Ryoichi raised his own hand in turn, smirking.

"Rock! Paper! Scissors! Shoot!"

Yosai's glare only became more intense. "Rock crushes Scissors! Point to Ryoichi!"

"Don't get cocky, Ryoichi-san. Your strategy is completely obvious now. I'm going to -"

"It's useless, Yosai-san." Ryoichi's smile hadn't changed, but his eyes had gone cold. "You entered this arena convinced that you're smarter than me. That certainty - it's a fatal mistake for a duelist. It was simple to lead your throw with a fake tell."

Yosai didn't make a sound.

"And yet - every moment I watch you duel, I can read more of your heart. You're still determined to win, even though your team is so far behind. Why, I wonder...?"

"Don't be a fool. There's no point in giving up before the end." He raised his hand again, and Ryoichi followed suit.

"Rock! Paper! Scissors! Shoot!"

As Yosai made his throw, he slid his thumb down slightly - releasing the two fingers that had been pressing against it. His hand unfolded into a lightning-fast Scissors!

And Ryoichi was waiting for him already with another throw of Rock.

"Rock crushes Scissors! Point to Ryoichi! Game point!"

"I told you, Yosai. I can read your heart. I knew you'd try a trick throw like that, so it was easy to see the extra pressure you were putting on your thumb." Ryoichi waved his hand dismissively. "And you're not really trying to win this round, are you?"

Yosai froze. "But you just said -"

"You want to win this match. That's much more important to you than winning this round of the tournament, isn't it?" Ryoichi spread his hands. "And it's not even me you're angry at." Nanafushi Kazue and the rest of Chikaku were watching him closely now. "You're playing as hard as you can - because you want to prove you're better than your teammates."

Yosai's voice was frigid. "I am better than them."

"THAT'S NOT WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A CAPTAIN!" Ryoichi's sudden shout sent Yosai stumbling back a step. "A captain can't think of himself! He has to fight for his teammates! As a captain, you have to help them get stronger - their strength is your strength! If they lose, you lose! If they win, you win! That's a captain's duty!" He raised his fist as he shouted.

"Rock! Paper! Scissors! Shoot!"

Yosai was almost too stunned to make a throw. He had no chance - Ryoichi's Scissors effortlessly swept his Paper aside.

"Match, Ryoichi! Bosatsu wins!"

The cheer from the crowd was deafening. Ryoichi stood in silence for a moment.

Yosai didn't turn back towards the bench. "You're wrong, Ryoichi-san. Without me, they would be worthless. It's only my strength that brought them here today. You have to look out for yourself!"

"No, Yosai-san. You're the one who's wrong." He turned to see Nanafushi Kazue standing behind him, her face determined, her eyes gleaming.

"How dare you talk to me like that. I'm the only one who-"

"You're fired."

Yosai sputtered, his composure gone entirely. "Worthless! You're nothing! You can't fire me - I'm the captain!"

But the other three duelists from Chikaku were standing beside her now, Kumoru's hand on her shoulder. Yosai just stared at them, then Ryoichi, then back at his team, his mouth hanging open.

"Get lost," hissed Kumoru.

If anything, the crowd cheered even louder than before.


As the triumphant Bosatsu duelists were leaving the arena, Jin walked alongside Ryoichi.

"So, your technique... it lets you see the weakness in your opponent's heart. There's something a little sinister about that, Ryoichi-san," smirked Jin.

Ryoichi raised an eyebrow. "You don't say, 'Thousand-Devil'?"

"I'm just wondering - what do you do if your opponent isn't screwed up?"

Ryoichi smiled softly and shook his head. "We're duelists, Jin. We're all damaged."


Kyoru watched the Bosatsu team exit the arena, then stood and turned for the door. He adjusted his mirrored shades with his thumb and forefinger on opposite sides, as though covering his face.

"Hibiki, I think perhaps we should pay Bosatsu a visit."

She stood and turned to follow him - then mimicked his gesture, even though she wasn't wearing glasses.



Captain Nanafushi Kazue slumped against the wall, just beyond the exit from the arena, physically and emotionally exhausted.

"Next time, Kotei Jin - I'll be ready."


Kono Sayuri walked with the crowd, her head in a whirl. She had no idea how intense these Championship matches would be! And Kotei-kun... he was so...

"What are you doing here?"

She looked around - who was that?

"Over here."

She turned towards the voice - it was Mizumigawa Shin, Kotei-kun's teammate. She had been leaning against the wall outside the audience's exit doors.

"Mi... Mizumigawa-san?"

Mizumigawa sauntered up to her. "Yep, that's me. What are you doing here?"

"I... I came to watch the matches? I wanted to support our duelists -"

"Word of advice. I know his kind." Kono blinked. "He's never going to notice someone cheering from the sidelines. To people like him, unless you're a duelist, you might as well not exist." Mizumigawa shrugged. "Just something to think about."

She sprang into a cartwheel, then dashed off towards the team's bus.

Kono watched her leave, wide-eyed.